With a heavy heart

I write this post in respect of what has happened this morning in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. What I was intending to publish was something that referenced unintentionally to our education system, yet in light of recent events I opted to save it for another time and pay honor where honor is due.

My heart is extremely heavy. Of course my prayers, along with everyone’s, go toward the families that lost their treasures this morning. The whole nation grieves with them, as they should. Such innocent lives taken so cruelly before their time is unfair and appalling.

The tragedy strikes too close to home for me. I live in a town similar to Newton, small and rural, where we feel we are exempt from such horrors, we cannot fathom anything of that nature taking place in our schools. But if anything, this event has shown that tragedy can strike anywhere. My older sister is a third grade elementary teacher, my nephew is the same age as those sweet children that lost their lives. It is hard to imagine what those families are going through now, however I am able to glimpse a sliver of it. The thought of losing either my sister or the nephew who I was more parent to than aunt, sears right through my heart.

My hope is that there will be no repeats of this incident, it is also my biggest fear. I’m not sure what the solution is, but what I do know is that it’s time again for the country to rally together in support for those suffering. Do whatever you can to help them and love them, even if it’s simply praying for God to extend comfort and peace. Whether they are biologically family or not, they are apart of the larger family that is our country, and we can’t help but feel tied to them all.

Spend time with your families tonight or this weekend and be appreciative of the moments you have together. Give your kids, your nieces and nephews, your parents a big hug and be thankful that you have each other.



2 thoughts on “With a heavy heart

  1. All day my heart has been heavy, and now… the tears are flowing. I thought of my niece, her sweet little boy, my husband, my treasured daughter, the teachers and students that I spend my working hours with, they all are treasured gifts. I feel so very sad….for everyone. Thank you Katie for you words. Love You.

  2. All of our hearts are heavy for the children and their families. There are no words to explain what happened; we can only pray for God’s strength and peace to uphold us. You are right at this special time of the year let us remember being close to the ones we love supersede the gifts, dinner and all the goodies. I love you dear daughter!

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